NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: The Secretary and the Chairman: A Conversation with Arne Duncan and George Miller

Session Description

As anyone who has watched “Schoolhouse Rock” knows, the decisive voices in federal education reform efforts will be those of the Administration and of Congress. In this highly unusual joint appearance, two of the most important decision makers joined in conversation on the prospects for real change. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and U.S. Representative George Miller, Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor, have been strong advocates for results-oriented reform. In this conversation, moderated by NewSchools CEO Ted Mitchell, the Secretary and the Chairman shared their views on the prospects for reform, how those changes will affect education entrepreneurs, and what part practitioners play in policy change.


  • I-Sha Davis, Student, Friendship Collegiate Academy (Class of 2010)


  • Ted Michell, Chief Executive Officer, NewSchools Venture Fund (moderator)
  • Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education
  • George Miller, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives

Closing Presenters:

  • Michael Bennet, Member, U.S. Senate
  • Jared Polis, Member, U.S. House of Representatives

Part 1: In this video, NewSchools CEO Ted Mitchell welcomes the audience and introduces I-Sha Davis, Class President of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy. Davis welcomes the audience and introduces Secretary Duncan and Chairman Miller. Sec. Duncan makes his opening remarks.

Part 2: In this video, Rep. George Miller makes his opening remarks, emphasizing the sense of urgency he feels is necessary when it comes to improving the education system.

Part 3: In this video, moderator Ted Mitchell asks Sec. Duncan and Rep. Miller to weigh in on the impact Race to the Top has had on broader efforts to reform the education system.

Part 4: In this video, Rep. Miller discuss the need for robust data systems and assessment tools. Sec. Duncan comments on the data proposals in state applications for Race to the Top funding. Next, Sec. Duncan and Rep. Miller discuss their views on the charter school movement.

Part 5: In this video, Rep. Miller comments on the opposition to the education reform movement. Sec. Duncan discusses his belief in the power of excellent teachers and then the conversation turns to what we can do to improve teacher quality.

Part 6: In this video, Sec. Duncan and Rep. Miller discuss the political outcomes of the Obama Administration’s results-oriented funding initiavtives. Sec. Duncan makes a special request of those organizations whose applications for Investing in Innovation (i3) funding are not successful.

Part 7: In this video, moderator Ted Mitchell opens the floor for questions from the audience. Garrett Neiman from SEE College Prep asks Sec. Duncan and Rep. Miller what role after-school and summer programs play in education reform efforts. Leroy Nunery from PlūsUltré asks for the Secretary and the Chairman to comment on the problem of college readiness among high school seniors. Jacquelyn Hadley from the Bridgespan Group asks how Sec. Duncan and Rep. Miller think parents from underserved communities should be engaged. Nate Easley from Denver Scholarship Foundation comments on the need for funding for programs focusing on higher education.

Part 8: In this video, Eva Moskowitz from Success Charter Network asks for the Secretary and Chairman’s thoughts on better serving children with special learning needs. Mike Milkie from Noble Network of Charter Schools asks Sec. Duncan what things he felt he would accomplish as Secretary of Education when he was superintendent of Chicago Public Schools. Debbra Lindo from College Track asks the Sec. Duncan and Rep. Miller to comment on state legislation in Louisiana.

Part 9: In this video, philanthropist Jon Sackler asks the Secretary and the Chairman for their thoughts on how education reformers can become more savvy about communicating their goals and accomplishments.

Part 10: In this video, Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado addresses the audience at NewSchools Summit 2010.

Part 11: In this video, Representative Jared Polis of Colorado addresses the audience at NewSchools Summit 2010.

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