As 2011 comes to a close, we’re taking stock of our successes and challenges throughout the year. Here are just a few highlights:
In 2011, schools in the NewSchools portfolio served more than 115,000 students—equal to the 33rd largest school district in the country. Upon graduation, 90% of them will go on to college.
This year, we invested more than $17 million dollars in innovative entrepreneurial organizations working to make a difference for students from low-income communities. Our ventures were selected not only because of their impact on student achievement, but also because of their potential to leverage wider change.
Summit 2011 featured John Doerr and Mark Zuckerberg talking about what makes innovation successful. Participants also heard lively conversations from Netflix founder Reed Hastings, DC Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson, Sal Khan, and former New York Public Schools Chancellor Joel Klein. |
Our 8-part video series celebrated the transformative impact of education entrepreneurs and captured their hopes and plans for the future of public education. |
NewSchools played a key role in supporting the Growing Excellent Academies for Teachers and Principals Act (the GREAT Act) to support the creation and expansion of teacher and principal training academies, approved by the Senate in October.
Created in collaboration with the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the Ed Tech Market Map—released in October—captures a snapshot of the educational technology landscape and give users an overview of the current market.
We launched our first-ever EdTech Entrepreneurs Lab to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs, focusing on tech-enabled solutions to the challenges facing public education.
From the entire team at NewSchools Venture Fund, thank you for working with us toward the day when all kids have access to an excellent K-12 education!