Teacher Diversity
NewSchools supports innovative strategies and programs to advance educator diversity, including recruiting new teachers from diverse backgrounds and supporting existing teachers of color so they remain in the field longer. Below are a few of our venture leaders.
Mission: Retain and increase the representation of Latinx education professionals in K-12 public education.
Vision: Our vision is that every student has access to a thriving community of effective Latinx education professionals. We believe it is through retention, pathway exposure, and pipeline development that the educational landscape will change.
Strategy: We believe it is through retention, pathway exposure, and pipeline development that the educational landscape will change. Our yearly programs revolve around each objective, constantly evolving to meet new needs of Latinx educators.
Mission: He Is Me prepares Black men for careers in education by providing them introductory teaching experiences meant to motivate them to enter the profession as full-time educators. These introductory experiences are followed by career coaching engagements that outline pathways to certification.
Vision:Learning opportunities that inspire and engage young men of color’s sense of purpose and identity, leading to a world in which Black males experience life outcomes comparable to their peers.
Strategy: Develop foundational teaching skills within prospective teachers by supporting them as summer school instructors. Engage prospective teachers on their college campuses through workshops, professional development, and forums that motivate fellows towards a career in education. Mentor and inspire youth of color by providing opportunities to engage with successful young adults who reflect their background and experience.
Mission: Equity Institute develops and implements innovative solutions for building more diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning and professional environments.
Vision: We envision an antiracist education system that recognizes identity and human connection as central to the process of teaching and learning where all young people build the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the world.
Strategy: Develop the EduLeadFellowship (EF) focused on retaining and supporting teachers of color. EF is a two-year, cohort-based action research fellowship for a diverse group of teachers from historically underrepresented backgrounds in their 2nd through 5th year of teaching. EF aims to create a diverse community of educators committed to promoting equity and diversity in their school communities and beyond by acquiring skills and knowledge for advocacy and culturally responsive pedagogy.
Mission: Building equity in education through representative leadership in and around school.
Vision: For every student in San Francisco to have one male teacher of color before sixth grade.
Strategy: Urban Ed Academy’s Man the Bay Initiative aims to tackle the Black male teacher shortage in the Bay Area by recruiting Black men from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and providing them with in-school placements, professional development, mentorship, and subsidized community-based housing in a four-year fellowship. As a cross-sector initiative, Man the Bay’s housing efforts also aim to revitalize local communities that are equally invested in diversifying the teaching workforce.
Mission: To strengthen, grow, and amplify the impact of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) so that they can deliver high-quality educator preparation.
Vision: For all students to have access to diverse, highly effective educators.
Strategy:Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity (BranchED) engages education preparation providers at MSIs through a differentiated support model that includes equity reviews and consultation, peer learning events and collaboratives, site visits for data feedback and benchmarking, and individualized coaching for program redesign and transformation. Together, BranchED’s training and technical assistance support help advance programmatic and institutional improvements at MSIs.
Mission: Equity Institute develops and implements innovative solutions for building more diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning and professional environments.
Vision: We envision an antiracist education system that recognizes identity and human connection as central to the process of teaching and learning where all young people build the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the world.
Strategy: Develop the EduLeadFellowship (EF) focused on retaining and supporting teachers of color. EF is a two-year, cohort-based action research fellowship for a diverse group of teachers from historically underrepresented backgrounds in their 2nd through 5th year of teaching. EF aims to create a diverse community of educators committed to promoting equity and diversity in their school communities and beyond by acquiring skills and knowledge for advocacy and culturally responsive pedagogy.
Mission: Building equity in education through representative leadership in and around school.
Vision: For every student in San Francisco to have one male teacher of color before sixth grade.
Strategy: Urban Ed Academy’s Man the Bay Initiative aims to tackle the Black male teacher shortage in the Bay Area by recruiting Black men from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and providing them with in-school placements, professional development, mentorship, and subsidized community-based housing in a four-year fellowship. As a cross-sector initiative, Man the Bay’s housing efforts also aim to revitalize local communities that are equally invested in diversifying the teaching workforce.