Three Tips for Picking a Personalized Learning Framework


Teams of educators all over the country are launching new schools and redesigning existing ones, and they are eager to build on the early lessons of the pioneers who have been at it for a few years. This is great – if everyone treats designing and implementing personalized learning as an invention challenge, the state of knowledge and practice will move very slowly. In other words, not everyone has to start with a blank slate and create new designs from scratch. Learning from the failures and early wins of other teams and building on their lessons will help us move faster and with higher quality toward schools designed to meet the needs of every student, every day.

The good news: a number of frameworks that incorporate the wisdom of practice are available.

The complicating factors: you’ll probably need more than one, none are perfect and all were created by a person, team or organization with a specific point of view about what’s important and how to implement it.

See our post on EdSurge for three tips for selecting frameworks to help your team get started.


>> [EdSurge] Three Tips for Picking Personalized Learning Frameworks by Stacey Childress