Literature Review: Education Technology and Science


As part of our research partnership, WestEd conducts a literature review for each NewSchools Ed Tech challenge. The literature review is meant to provide readers with an overview of the current ed tech research landscape, as it relates to the challenge’s focus area. This literature review provides an overview of best practices for developers to consider when creating edtech products intended to support the teaching and learning of science. From the report:

Technology has had a profound impact on science teaching. Educational technology delivers fundamental innovative changes that can be integral to achieving significant improvements in teaching and student understanding. Technologies have caused a paradigm shift in education away from a one-way flow of information (the teacher as the sage on the stage) to a collaborative interactive traffic of information and teaching between students and the teacher. Supporting both teaching and learning, educational technology can infuse classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices; expand experiences, and learning materials; build 21 century skills; increase student engagement and motivation; and accelerate student learning. It can also be used to increase course offerings, and support learning anywhere and anytime.

The literature review includes sections on Best Practices in Science Education, Applying Educational Technology to Science Learning, and Developing Educational Technology for Science Learning, as well as a list of more than 100 references to additional published research.