4 Inclusive Practices to Improve Grantmaking with Communities

By Natalie Wilson, Partner, Racial Equity As a Black mother raising a brilliant Black girl who attends a public middle school, I came to this work because I wanted more for all children, especially those furthest from opportunity. I wanted to be at the table where decisions were made to find, fund, and support the […]

Building a Thriving Community of Latinx Educators in a City with Fewer than 1% of Them

In Kansas City, Missouri, like in much of the country, the teaching profession is not as diverse as it should be. For every 200 Latinx students in the Kansas City area, there is only 1 Latinx teacher.  Edgar Palacios founded Latinx Education Collaborative on the belief that representation matters. Teachers of color can enhance academic […]

My First and Only Latina Teacher: Why Teacher Diversity Matters

Katiusca Moreno, Senior Partner             Most of us remember the teachers who made a powerful difference in our lives. I remember the ones who felt like family. For me, Ms. Heyward was one of those teachers. She was my seventh grade social studies teacher who kept a small Puerto Rican […]